The spring 2015 issue of Curry’s Chronicle, the award-winning journal of the Carson City Coin Collectors of America, has officially been sent off to the printers as of Friday, February 13, 2015. Members should expect to receive their copies in early March. However, if you do not receive your copy of this issue by April 1, contact us at
We are proud to say that this (34th!) issue of the journal is the kick-off to our year-long 10th anniversary celebration. That’s right, the C4OA is approaching it’s 10th birthday this summer, and we are very happy about how far we’ve come as a club. More info about this achievement can be found in the spring 2015 issue of Curry's Chronicle.
Along with the launch of our 10-year anniversary celebration, the spring 2015 issue marks the start of renewal season. Those of you who have a renewal date of June 30, 2015 should be receiving a white, renewal envelope stuffed in the mailer with your spring 2015 journal. Please use this envelope to pay your dues for the 2015-2016 membership cycle to avoid missing any issues of Curry’s Chronicle. Life members and multi-year members, please disregard this notice.
If you would like to help contribute to our 10-year anniversary celebration, please send us your article or letter to the editor submission. It can be anything from a short thought about the experiences you’ve had as a club member, to a long essay detailing diagnostics about your favorite “CC” coin. Submissions can be sent via email to
Please send text submissions as Word documents, with 12-point Times New Roman font, and 1.5 line spacing. Original image files can be sent to our physical address (above), on CD, DVD, or flash drive. (Please note, images pulled from the internet are very low resolution and are not suitable for print in Curry’s Chronicle.) The submission deadline for the summer 2015 issue of Curry’s Chronicle is April 30, 2015, and the deadline for the fall-winter issue is September 30, 2015.
And please, if you have any questions on our 10-year anniversary celebration, renewal season, or how to submit an article or letter to the editor, feel free to email at